Jumat, 11 Desember 2015

Direct and Indirect Speech

Posted by Emperor Rudi on 06.59 with No comments
Direct and Indirect  Speech 

a.       Direct speech /Quoted  speech  (kalimat langsung)
Adalah  kalimat  yang  berisikan  informasi  dari  pembicara  (speaker) yang ditulis apa adanya dengan ciri-ciri kalimat :
1    1.      terdapat tanda kutip “.....” (Quostation Mark)
“....” tanda petik 2 untuk American English
‘....’ tanda petik 1 untuk British English
2   2.      tidak terdapat conjuction
b  b.      Indirect speech /Reported  speech (kalimat  tidak  langsung)
Adalah kalimat yang berisikan informasi dari pembicara (speaker) yang tidak ditulis apa adanya dengan ciri-ciri kalimat:
1   1.      Tidak terdapat tanda kutip
2   2.      Terdapat  conjuction (That, If, Whether,...)
1         1.       DS (direct speech)     : Rudi telah berkata, “saya bingung”.
                                            : Rudi has said, “I am Confused”.
             IS  (indirect speech)  : Rudi telah berkata bahwa dia bingung.
                                            : Rudi has said that he was confused.
2         2.      DS       : Tian said, “I am handsome
           IS        : Tian said that he was handsome
3        3.      DS       : Deden said,”I am strong”.
           IS        : Deden said that he was strong.

*NOTE : - Say, Tell, Ask,... disebut “introductory verb” (IV) yaitu verb yang menghubungkan antara main clause (MC) dan sub clause (SC).
               - MC boleh diletakkan di final (akhir) dan di inversi apabila subjectnya bukan pronoun (dalam DS).
                   Contoh;   DS : Rista berkata, “saya langsing”.
                                         : Rista said, “I am slim”.
                                         : “I am slim”, Rista said
                                         : “I am slim”, Said Rista
                                         : “I am slim”, said she (wrong)

                                    IS : Rista berkata bahwa dia langsing
                                         : Rista said  that she was slim
                                                MC                SC
*Macam-macam kalimat DS-IS
1. Statement
2. Imperative
3. Question          
1.      Statement (pernyataan)
Ø  Conjuction  : That (bahwa)
Ø  Aturan perubahan
a.       Perubahan tenses
b.      Perubahan pronoun
c.       Perubahan adverb
          a.       Perubahan  tenses
-          Terjadi pada SC
-          MC’nya bertenses “past”
-          Mudur satu kali (satu langkah) lampau.
v  DS : Yuli said,”I have much money”.
IS : Yuli said that she had much money.
v  DS : Beni has said, “ I will treat the  girls”
IS :  Beni has said that he will treat the girls.
v  DS : Hafidz said,”I made a car”.
IS  : Hafidz said that he had  made  a car.
v  DS : Ahmal said to Hilma,” i miss you”.
IS  : Ahmal said to hilma that he missed her.
v  DS  : Sandra said,” Rasta called me”.
IS  : Sandra said  that rasta had called her.
MC                       SC
*NOTE : - Tenses SC “”tidak berubah “ jika;
               1. MC berupa S. Pr./S. F/Pr. Pf. (selain past)
                        Contoh: DS = Tuti says, “i am hungry”.
                                       IS = Tuti says that she is hungry.
2.SC. Berupa ‘general truth
Contoh: DS = Kiki said,”the fire is hot”.
              IS  = kiki said that the fire is hot.

bb.      Perubahan  pronoun
Ø  Terjadi pada SC
Ø  Jika pada SC terdapat pronoun berupa :
v  I, Me, My, Myself, Mine, Maka kembalinya ke “subject” MC
Contoh:    DS= Yuli said,” My book is lost”.
           IS= Yuli said that her book was lost.
DS= Rooney said,” I love myself”.
           IS= Rooney said that  he had loved  himself.
           DS= Atas said,”The cat is mine”.
           IS= Atar said that the cat was his.
           DS=Dian says to bayu,” you will wait for me”.
           IS= Dian says to bayu that he will wait for her.
           DS= Lana said,”I will sell my novel”.
           IS= Lana said that he would sell his novel.
v  You, your, yours, yourself, yourselves; maka kembalinya ke “object” MC (jika tidak mempunyai object maka objectnya dianggap “Me”).
Contoh:    DS= Fahmi said to siti,”i will pick you up”.
           IS= Fahmi said to siti that he would pick her up.
           DS= Rista said,”You are my best friends”.
           IS= Rista said that i was her best friends.
           DS= Abit said to uswa,”You will be mine”.
           IS= Abit said to uswa that she would be his.
v  We, us, our, ours, ourselves; maka  kembalinya pada subject MC dengan syarat: - We : menjadi  We (jika si pelapor anggota “We”)
-       We: menjadi They (jika si pelapor bukan anggota “We”)
Contoh: DS= Dian and Bayu said,”we will get married”.
               IS= Dian and Bayu said that they will get married.
               DS= Hilma and I said,” we will study hard”.
               IS= Hilma and I said that we would study hard.

cc.       Perubahan  adverb
Ø  Tejadi pada SC
Ø  MC’nya bertenses “past”
The day before/ the previous day
The day after/ the next day/ the following day
2 days ago
2 days before
2 days later
2 days after
Last week
The week before
Next week
The week after
This day
That day
Contoh: DS= Rudi said,” I am busy now”.
                IS= Rudi said that he was busy then.
                DS= Heny said,”I will meet you tomorrow”.
                IS= Heny said that she would meet me the day after.
2.      Imperative (perintah)
Ø  Kinds :

Ø  Conj: tidak ada
Ø  Perubahan:
1.      Tenses : tidak ada
2.      Pronoun : sama dg  perubahan pronoun di DS-IS statement
3.      Adverb : sama dg prubahan adverb di DS-IS statement
4.      Bentuk kalimat ; DS = Imperative (!)
IS= statement (.)
5.      Jika IV pada DS : “Say” maka harus diganti dengan verb yang menunjukkan makna perintah pada IS’nya seperti : Tell, Ask, Beg, Order, Advise, Forbid, etc.
Ø  Form : Imperative positif (+)
Contoh: DS=  Tuty said,”Give me your book!”.
              IS=  Tuty begged  to give her my book.
        ØImperative negatif (-)

Contoh: DS= Hilma said to Runy,” Don’t leave me tonight!”.
               IS= Hilma orderred to Runy not to leave her that night
              DS= Mala said to Raja,” Don’t kiss me!”.
              IS= Mala Forbade to Raja  to kiss her.
              IS= Mala asked to Raja not to kiss her.
3.      Question (Pertanyaan)
Ø  Kinds of Question : - Yes/No Question
 Conj: If (informal) = apakah/entah
     Whether (formal)  = Apakah/entah
-  Information Question
Conj: Question word (QW) itu sendiri

Ø  Perubahan
1.      Tenses : sama dg aturan perubahan pada DS-IS statement
2.      Pronoun : sama dg aturan perubahan pada DS-IS statement
3.      Adverb : sama dg aturan perubahan pada DS-IS statement
4.      Bentuk kalimat DS= Question (?)
          IS= Statements (.)
5.      Bentuk IV  pada  DS seperti “say” dan  “ harus berubah  menjadi
IS = *Ask artinya bertanya : digunakan untuk MC yg berobject maupun tidak berobject
      * Inquire artinya bertanya : digunakan untuk MC yg tidak berobject
      *Worder  artinya ingin tahu : digunakan untuk MC yg tidak berobject
      *Want to know  artinya ingin tahu : digunakan untuk MC yg tidak berobject
            Contoh: DS= Atar said ,” will she go home tomorrow?”.
                          IS= Atar Asked  if/Whether  she would go home the next day.
                           DS= Saudi said to her,”when will she go home?”.
                           IS= Saudi asked to her when she would go home.